Dishonored Reviews
Gamers will recognize structural elements from Bioshock, which, to my mind, is a very good thing. Here, however, the stealth mechanics work flawlessly, and your magical abilities aren't simply various weapons. Rather, the mechanics allow you to teleport short distances, see through walls (a la Batman, Deus Ex, Assassin's Creed, etc) and inhabit animals and other humans. Not only are these mechanics just cool, they allow you to attack objectives in a multiplicity of ways. DISHONORED is thus a game that can sustain at least a few play throughs. TIPS: Get Dark Vision Immediately. Then Upgrade Blink to level 2. Then upgrade Agility to 1, as your ability to jump higher will enable higher blinks. Agility 2 is useless. Then get Bend time. Then STOP time. Stop time costs 8 runes, and it's worth it--especially when you want to kill Tall Boys. My only gripe would be that the game seems to punish you for being what you are--an assassin-- as killing just a moderate amount of people (in video game reality, obviously) leads to the "dark" ending. To that I ask, who hired the Church Lady as a designer on this thing? I did my best to spare non-combatants, yet the game still seems to take a dim view of killing. And I won't give anything away, but the "dark" ending is not satisfying. I was hoping for at least something bittersweet, like the end of The Searchers. There's also no barometer to give you real-time data on how much "chaos" you're creating. However, you do get your stats at the end of a mission. So if you're going for the no-kill play through, you ca re-do that mission if you accidentally killed someone. (Unlike Deus Ex, which kept you guessing until the end--Lame.) It would be good to have some "chaos" gradations in this game. Therefore, you could have a play through with 1. a normal ending (you killed a lot of guys because you're a badasss and they got in your way) but spared civilians, knocked out people when you could and weren't a complete psycho), 2. an ending where you were one of the Super Friends (you killed very few people). 3. a REALLY twisted ending where you played through as a complete homicidal maniac--killing everyone and their pets without compunction and without mercy and often without reason except because there's something wrong with you. However, I simply played how I wanted--with a fairly strict scorched Earth policy--and watched the "happy" ending on YouTube. Maybe I'll do a no-kill play through at some later point. But this is pretty nit-picky. Playing the game is really fun. I'm just a little irritated by the end (if you didn't get that). In conclusion, if you dig first person stealth action games with broad (though not strictly open) worlds, buy this game. It's great.. this is my Dishonored reviewsDishonored Specs
- Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
- ASIN: B005C2D1YI
- Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 5.3 x 0.5 inches ; 3.2 ounces
- Media: Video Game
- Release Date: October 9, 2012
- Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (235 customer reviews)
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #178 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
- #8 in Video Games > PlayStation 3 > Games > Action > Shooter
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Dishonored. Dishonored will.. (Read More)
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